Logika, Helyes ÉrvelésTan, Mítoszirtás és Hit-Eltérítés sok Humorral



Scientific (cognitive) God, which is proven and testable.

2024. május 16. - IGe

Test it, you too! Outline, short summary.

Nowadays, there is also a so-called Scientific (cognitive) God. Yes to the many gods created and invented by humans ( Aten, Horus, Mithras, Dionysus, Attis, Krishna, Vishnu, Baal, Thor, Wotan, Borvo, Yahweh, Kukulkan, Marduk, Allah, Re, Zeus, Shiva, Dyḗus, Ahura Mazda, Zurvan, Manitou the Great. ... ) beyond and beside. Of course, this is not a mythological creature, nor is it some natural formation (Sun, trees, springs, animals, stones) for which a personified meaning is invented. Rather, it covers neurological and psychological processes. However, this "God" is proven and can be tested. Human physiology is part of our real world. This also raises the question of the meaninglessness of atheism.

The lack of a precise, meaningful, scientific definition is also a serious error in reasoning and logic! Important thought: Is it possible to examine the correctness or incorrectness of a definition? In memetics and logic there is/exists the operation of "redefinition". Because yes, something may be incorrectly defined.


Definition (IGe); Giving the main characteristics of something, which makes it unmistakable with other things. Basic rules of definition:

  1. No circling. (vicious circle, petitio principii)
  2. There should be no obscurity.
  3. The definition must not be too wide or too narrow.
  4. Intelligibility. It cannot refer to another, undefined thing.
  5. One thing, it identifies, or many things of the same kind.
  6. A definition should not be negative where it can be positive. We should not define "wisdom" as the absence of folly, or a healthy thing as whatever is not sick.

The typical definitions of atheism violate practically all of these main rules.

We have a lot of concepts (words) that many people use with incorrect definitions. Nothingness, infinity, existence, supernatural, believer, agnostic, atheist, metaphysics, "God"-"Car", theology, faith, science .... 


Atheism is pseudo-science and pseudo-philosophy. In fact, it is only a counter-religion, a denial-religion. With a philosophical and logical example: "Babig" denial, or aBabigism.(Babig; Rudolf Carnap 1891-1970 German-American philosopher, logician.)

Why is atheism a belief? :
1. Atheists believe that atheism is not a faith.
2. Atheists believe that atheism is not dogmatic.
3. Atheists believe that atheism is logical.
4. Atheists believe that atheism is a scientific worldview.
5. Atheists believe that atheism is more advanced than theism.
6. Atheists still BELIEVE that "God" is what is described in a storybook called the "Bible". (!) (?) Of course it's a religion, like atheism.

In science, it is necessary to prove, namely so that the proof can be tested. It is not customary to accept other people's tales as correct. Thus, atheists, in principle, start from a wrong definition of "God".

The main types of atheism, and some interesting connections. The result of human-ethological research and observation. Because the older systems are now obsolete. Which is just scientific-philosophical data.
1. Mono-atheistic. - A piece in the direction of denying God, or disbelief.
2. Poly-atheist.  -To deny many/more Gods or not to believe in them.
3. Interfaith atheist. - They mutually deny and do not believe in each other's gods.
4. Own God Atheist. - Invisible Pink Unicorn God, Big Meatball Dough God, etc.
5. State-registered atheism in church form
6. Militant atheism. -  Want to eliminate theism.
7. Anti theist. - Opposition to the social influence of official churches and religions.
8. Apatheist. - An apatheist is someone who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods do exist or do not exist.
9. Igtheism = Ignosticism. -  The idea and philosophical trend that the question of God's existence is meaningless because the word "God" has no clear definition
10. Anti-atheism. - They do not believe in theism and atheisms.
11. etc. + a-Santa-ism, a-unicorn-ism, a-Winnie-the-Pooh-ism, a-Snow-White-ism, a-Jon-Snow-ism -Game of Thrones-, a-Vilmos-Tell-ism, a-Vladimir-Ilyich-Lenin-ism, a-Stephen-Hawking-ism, a-God-ism, a-Karakutty-ism, a-ZarahurMara-ism, a-Existence-ism, a-Babig-ism
12. Nonism.  - Reluctance to tie your worldview to any ideology. According to some opinions, the neutral position is also atheism. Which is a clear logical error.


Philosophizing "God exists" vs "God does not exist" is meaningless. Some very simple things just need to be thought through and logically.
1. What is "God"?  -> What is "Karakutty"?
2. Why "God"? -> Why " Karakutty"?
3. So is "God / Karakutty" because it was invented that way? Karakutty is the creator of God. That's how it was invented.
4. This is a logical fallacy. Circular reasoning. Invalid !!!

What does the "existence" of my toothbrush have to do with whether or not people believe in it? Reality does not depend on either belief or disbelief. That is why both atheism and theism ... are religions, beliefs, dogma systems. In other words, atheism is not suitable for scientific investigation.-  "Some atheists seem to suggest, that "I lack a belief of A, therefore A does not exist", but it is an argument from ignorance."

Do you think there are no mythological characters? Atheism becomes a parody of itself when, in its god-denying overzealousness, it wants to reinterpret even the word existence so that it cannot be said that there are mythological figures in myths.

"Scientific God"; the one that corresponds to the rules of scientific methodology, correct reasoning and empiricism. It started with data collection and observation. Then, after sorting and processing the data, he went through the most rigorous scientific methodological process. So it is not invented like a fairy tale, but also discovered, proven and testable. You can even test it yourself. Theists should not be bothered by this, since there have been many, many Gods. This has such an effect on the denial belief of atheists that it is impossible. It's getting ridiculous. 

So the important question is not whether or not "God" exists, but what is "God"?

I don't believe in atheism and atheisms. Many of us are like that.

It is scientifically proven and many times over that God/gods are invented by humans. That's why God/gods don't exist? Is it also proven that mathematics was invented by humans? So you think there is no mathematics and does not exist? Atheists use the verb "to be" / "to exist" incorrectly.

Does atheism require logical thinking? Or is it enough to just copy and repeat atheist dogmas? I've tested it in many places and atheists are just memetic meme copycats. They don't think logically.


 Why did a Hungarian engineer who studied control and robot technology as a basic profession deal with such questions at all? In the 1990s and 2000s, I was a member of many scientific societies. First of all, that of the Engineering Science Association, whose headquarters at the time were located on the same square as the Parliament and were in close cooperation with the Hungarian Ausztonauticai Company. So I was active there and in many other scientific societies as well. Among others, there is also one at a foundation that researches the abilities of the human psyche (called AION). Also at the Society of Respecters of the Facts and at the Hungarian Para-Research Scientific Society. I have successfully deciphered several things declared to be mysterious para-phenomena. I proved that it is operated only by simple known physical processes. So there is no parapsychology in them. Thus, the only real challenge was the deciphering of perhaps humanity's greatest para-phenomenon, "God". With which I messed around for two decades, before I thought that this could be published, because it is logical, verifiable and testable.

 Scientific methodology is a filter that separates the nonsense from the rational and logical. This filter can be applied to everything in the world that we already know about in any form. If we apply this filter to "God", then only the real part of most religious descriptions will remain. For example, the people who created religion did indeed create "Gods", and quite a lot of them. That's a fact. A lot of untrue descriptions, and besides. Of course, creation is only a religious jargon and the correct usage would be "made / invented" instead. Furthermore, we must not forget that even scientists who set themselves up as rational minds pondered the subject a lot and many of them only produced nonsense, but there were also those whose work confirms and is the basis of the scientifically defined "God".

If we filter "God" through scientific methodology, then the exaggeration and lies characteristic of many myths will be removed and reality will remain. Which is still quite mystical and unbelievable for a lot of people. Of course, you don't have to believe this anymore, you have to know. Because faith is only uncertainty, a synonym for not knowing. What is certain is to be known and not believed.

 Scientific methodology has many ways, but the first and most important in such cases, when there are no tangible and clear clues - only descriptions, opinions, partial research, intuitions, tips - is data collection. So I started collecting what people around the world consider "God". So I have collected several thousand, to be exact around five thousand definitions of "God". Lots and lots of data. Which ranged from appropriateness in the theological lexicon to the simplest, even ironic idea. I didn't see it, and it wouldn't have made sense to record it all and put it away for posterity, because it can practically be collected again at any time. What did I do instead? I filtered out the repetitions and almost completely identical definitions and my collection has already shrunk to a much more manageable number of 100-150 pieces.

 Then I started to organize and analyze the data. One thing was immediately proven by them. The fact that people define "God" in so many different ways is clear evidence that they do not believe in the same "God" and deny the same "God".

It would be impossible in the first place, and according to the requirements of scientific methodology, there is no need to strive for a definition of "God" that would satisfy all religions. If this had ever been possible, mankind would not have tens of thousands of religions and Gods. ... But there is. It follows that logic and provability and consistency are what matter in the further analysis. In such cases, science suggests that we set up possible theories. We test them and make them more precise if possible. Discard the one that is not possible. Let's keep experimenting with what is only inaccurate or has partial errors. I did that too.

It took 20 years or so of analysis, continuous testing, compression, and improvement processes, in addition to many other things, but in the end, a fairly accurate definition of Scientific God was published, which can be considered a fact, without any exaggeration. After all, the reality of this God has already been proven and can be proven.


J.C.S.: Militant agnostic motto: "Damn it, I don't know! And neither do you!" / “I dang well don’t know. And you, sure as shit don’t either!” ( magyar nyelven: Harcos agnosztikus mottó: "A fenébe is, nem tudom! És az tuti, hogy te sem!”  )

The Scientific (cognitive) God proof is summarized:
Or IGe's argument:

1. God has many semantic meanings. Scientific too.
2. God can be defined scientifically. It is not beyond science.
3. There is a scientifically defined God. It is provable and proven.
4. The proof can be repeated, checked, and therefore tested.
5. In principle, the proof could be refuted - by those who are capable of it - but it is expected to be further clarified. It is not inconceivable that brain research and neurology will find and detect nervous system/psychological viruses directly.
6. It follows from the third point that the existence of God is a scientific fact. Atheism is meaningless.
7. It follows from the above that the dogmatic religious and atheist definitions of God are not scientific.
8. It follows from these that whoever considers the dogmatic and not the scientific God to be God, essentially has a meme infection, or in a more serious case, a mental illness.
9. Meme infections can be cured. Much like biological viral infections. With memetic vaccines. In more serious cases, with psychological and psychiatric methods. Rational reasoning is ineffective even for atheists.
10. Nervous system virus / meme / psychovirus infections can be prevented. Also similar to biological viral infections.

... and this is the Scientific God in the shortest possible way:

Scientific (cognitive) God = God = collective term

1. main mythical creatures created by humans
2. a psychological compulsion
3. a nervous system/psychological virus/meme.

This proof was made on the basis of scientific methodology and can therefore be reproduced, repeated, verified and tested. Psychiatry is part of medicine. It is part of physiology, physiology. Human psychological diseases are proven. "God" is essentially such a disease.


- Anyone can start collecting data on definitions of "God" again.
- Anyone can sort this data
- Anyone can process this data
- Anyone can set up major research theories
- Anyone can determine which of these theories correspond to correct reasoning, logic and reality
- Anyone can publish their results...
.... etc

In fact, I would be very happy with such reproductions. Why? Because the data collection took place primarily in a European environment. I think it would be different if we say that it would happen in China, India, Japan, Africa, South America or Papua New Guinea or Australia.

So far, tests have been carried out primarily in Hungary and in the Hungarian language. The most successful of these: the followers of Alvin Plantinga and William Lane Craig had to give up their proselytizing activities. Which happened with the so-called logical god arguments. We managed to prove that they are not logical, but flawed in reasoning. Several of them also left their careers as priests, pastors and theological instructors. Furthermore, some Hungarian atheist organizations have also acknowledged that "God" can be investigated scientifically. 

In both cognitive science and memetics, immunization means STOPPING THE CAPACITY OF INFECTION.

The vast majority of the human genome (DNA) was encoded by micro-organisms. This is factual data. Of this, the largest share is the encoding of viruses. This is also why the behavior of the human animal is viral. Mentally too. This is what I tested to see if this is really the case and if the immunization principle applies here as well, or only for biological viruses. Well, it works here in this area too. Anyway, "conversion" is something much more general than just spreading Judeo-Christian ideology. I tested it on atheists and it works there too. There are also easily treatable mental illnesses. By now, even atheisms and beliefs in God have become curable / immunized easily and with laughter. In fact, it doesn't even require individual therapy, because the cure also spreads like an infection.

I proved that both atheism and theism are meaningless. Irrational, illogical. Both, just a human psychic state. Atheism, alignment with fictional characters. Addiction to it. I would also recommend a-Snow White-ism. :-)


Home - John Templeton Foundation

For a more detailed explanation of the given topic in English, I would like to find a printed or digital e-book publisher. The prequel to this was already published in Hungarian under the title Tricky Meme (Trükkös Mém), Beyond / Over / Too Richard Dawkins. Funny additional subtitle: Bible of God-Knowers. It is currently distributed in all important places on Earth, but important developments have also taken place in the meantime, with which it should be supplemented. On the other hand, it would be necessary to compile it in a version that could give a chance to win the Templenton prize. Which there is a good chance I can get.

The following may also be included in the book: 1. The demonstration of Kurt Gödel's first incompleteness theorem that it violates logic and is pseudoscience. 2. The Mono-Big Bang Belief prediction. He must fall soon. 3. Analysis of Karl Popper's falsification principle, that it is wrong. 4. New methodologies for separating science from pseudoscience. 5. Main characteristic dogmas of atheists.

In case of winning the Templeton prize (1.1 million British pounds), I plan to distribute 40% of the given amount to my assistants. Which can be the book publisher that takes care of publishing books in English, or university lecturers, academics, journalists, TV presenters, videographers, bloggers, patrons, brain researchers, etc.

The most concise essence: Belief in God and atheism are psycho viruses (meme) that can be easily cured. With laughter, without any harmful side effects. I will explain it in a little more detail.

The main characteristics (logic) of biological viruses, to which psychological viruses (memes) are similar:
1. They are located on the border of living and non-living.
2. They don't eat, drink, poop, or reproduce in the traditional ways.
3. They are very small and could not be detected for a long time.
4. A biological "virus" is also a special information package, a biological code.
5. Their reproduction is not reproduction, but essentially cloning.
6. They need a host for cloning.
7. They influence the host body, but their "goal" cannot be the destruction of the host body, since they will also be destroyed by that.
8. They only hand over a "blueprint" to the host, which starts to manufacture the virus from its own resources.
9. Tricks are used to trick the host.
10. In case of certain unfortunate interactions, the "Virus" can also be the indirect cause of the host's death.


Most of the people are infected with various mind/psycho/neuro-viruses. Because of this, he will have a "zombie" behavior. Which means, in short, that it illogically distributes and carries some kind of information package. Those who don't have one, try to infect them so that their behavior and thinking are the same. Anyone who has already been successfully infected is already a member of the zombie group community. The various zombie groups that have already formed also compete with each other. Each of them tries to infect other kinds of zombies with their own zombieness.

Both atheism and theism are the result of some kind of specific neuro/psychological virus (meme, memes). So it's a brain, psychological process. A kind of compulsive and illogical way of thinking. It consists of forced repetitions. Rational reasoning, with both human psychological states, is completely ineffective. There's no point in arguing. So what is the cure? Immune memes. For example:
- God exists.
- Of course it exists, since it was created by Karakutty.
The vaccine principle should be applied. An even greater, planned impossibility that has an immunizing effect.

To summarize the point. In short: I have transferred the biological vaccine theory to the psychological realm as an experiment and test. The principle clearly works there too. Supplemented with the epidemic-like spread principle of memetics, healing can also be developed into an epidemic. So, individual, even multiple, "vaccinations" are not necessary.


Previous (2018) version. „God” being filtered by scientific methodology

For those living in a Hungarian language environment and in Hungary, this version explains some of the antecedents in more detail.

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.05.21. 19:11:00

- Határozd meg nekem Istent, kérlek
- Csak a logikus, tudományos "Isten" meghatározást dolgoztam fel kellőképpen. Tehát, ami bizonyított és tesztelhető is. De ez nagyon más "Isten". Ez az emberi agyakban, érzelmekben, kollektív tudattalanban, mémekben, pszicho-virusokban lakozik. Nem biztos, hogy ez érdekel.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.05.22. 12:38:45


Elgondolkodtató: miért bíznak az emberek azokban, akik feltalálták Isten fogalmát, ha általában nem bíznak az emberekben. Szerintem ez nevetségesen ellentmondásos. És akkor azt mondják: nem vagyunk naivak, nem naivak. Bla, bla, olcsó beszéd, ennek semmi értelme... És aztán csodálkoznak, hogy miért olyan okos minden ateista.

Food for thought: why people choose to trust those who invented the concept of god if they don't trust humans in general. I find it hilariously contradictory. And then they say: we are not naive, it is not naivety. Blah,blah cheap talk, it doesn't make sense... And then they wonder why all atheists are so smart.


Mert ez nem egy önkéntes és saját döntésen alapuló dolog. Az influenza vírus elkapása sem kivánság-műsor szokott lenni. Sajnos vannak agyi, pszichológiai vírusok is. A tagadás sem használ ellenük. Hiába tagadod az infuenza vírust, attól még piros és taknyos lehet az orrod.

Because it is not a voluntary and self-decision thing. Catching the flu virus is not usually a wish-show either. Unfortunately, there are also brain and psychological viruses. Denial doesn't work against them either. Even if you deny the influenza virus, your nose may still be red and runny.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.05.24. 11:14:33

Aki nem szokta meg, hogy a tudományos módszer mi is, nos az hisz. Aztán hiteket vált.

A tudományban, csak addig tudományos tény valami, ameddig nem jön egy erősebb érv, erősebb bizonyítás.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.05.30. 11:43:22

I would like to ask: Is it possible to apply for the Templeton Prize? Because, I recently realized that what I have researched and achieved results may have a chance. However, they don't know about it, do they? My topic: Scientific (cognitive) God, which is proven and testable. Which, at the same time, also causes the logical end/meaninglessness of atheism. This will make our World a little more peaceful in the future. The opposition of theists <-> atheists becomes meaningless.

Kérdezni szeretném: A Templeton-díjra pályázni is lehet? Mert, nemrég döbbentem rá, hogy amit kutattam és eredményeket elértem, az esélyes lehet rá. Viszont, ugye nem is tudnak róla. A témaköröm: Tudományos (kognitív) Isten, ami bizonyított és tesztelhető. Ami egyben, az ateizmus logikai végét /értelmetlenségét is okozza. Kicsit békésebb lesz ettől a Világunk a jövőben. A teisták <-> ateisták ellentéte értelmetlenné válik.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.01. 14:42:07

"Istent" mint az egyik legnagyobb megoldatlan para-jelenséget meg-kutattam /meg-vizsgáltam a tudományos módszertannal. Adott ki értelmes eredményt.

I researched/examined "God" as one of the biggest unsolved para-phenomena using scientific methodology. It gave a meaningful result.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.02. 11:38:37

Segíthetek? Nos a teizmus és az ateizmus is csak egy hibás emberi pszichikai állapot. Mindkettő hit-térítési / meggyőzési kényszerrel is jár. Ezt a tudomány és a logika "zombi" hatásnak adja meg. A lényeg, hogy ezen embertársaink, éppen annyira nem tehetnek a sorsukról, mint aki elkapja az influenza vírusát és náthás lesz.

Can I help you? Well, both theism and atheism are just a flawed human psychic state. Both of these involve the need to convert/convince. Science and logic call this the "zombie" effect. Let's face it, our fellow humans can't control their fate any more than someone who catches the flu virus and gets a cold.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.03. 09:42:49

Click here for my personal facebook page and I will explain:

Kattints ide az egyéni facebook oldalamra, és ott elmagyarázom:

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.05. 18:59:51

I found / discovered / researched a separate God. I named it like this: Scientific (cognitive) God, which is proven and testable.

Egy külön Istent találtam / fedeztem / kutattam ki. Így neveztem el: Tudományos (kognitív) Isten, ami bizonyított és tesztelhető.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.06. 10:00:50

Nonizmus: Vonakodás attól, hogy a világnézetedet bármilyen ideológiához kösd.

Ami egyben persze paradoxizmust is jelent. Hiszen az izmusokhoz nem tartozó és kötődő akármi (világnézet, életfelfogás, nyilatkozat) is egy izmus.

Nos a tegnapi napig nem tudtam, hogy van nonizmus. Egy nemzetközi filozófia csoport adminja tájékoztatott róla. Paradoxizmus, mert szerintem eddig nem volt, de mostantól már az is van. Elfér a sok ezernyi izmus egyre népesebb táborában.

Nonism: Reluctance to tie your worldview to any ideology.

Which, of course, also means a paradox. After all, anything that does not belong to and is connected to isms (worldview, outlook on life, statement) is also an ism.

Well, I didn't know there was nonism until yesterday. The admin of an international philosophy group informed me about it. Paradoxism, because I don't think it was until now, but now it is. It fits into the increasingly populous camp of the many thousands of isms.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.09. 09:25:05

Semmit sem keverek. Az ateisták helytelenül használják a "lét" / "létezni" igét.

I don't mix anything. Atheists use the verb "to be" incorrectly. // I don't mix anything. Atheists use the verb "to exist" incorrectly.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.13. 09:41:27

1. a-Winnie-the-Pooh-ism
2. a-Snow-White-ism
3. a-Jon-Snow-ism (Game of Thrones)
4. a-Vilmos-Tell-ism
5. a-Vladimir-Ilyich-Lenin-ism
6. a-Stephen-Hawking-ism
7. a-God-ism
8. a-Karakutty-ism
9. a-ZarahurMara-ism
10. a-Existence-ism

1. a-Micimackó-izmus
2. a-Hófehér-izmus
3. a-Jon-Snow-ism (Trónok harca)
4. a-Vilmos-Tell-izmus
5. a-Vlagyimir-Iljics-Lenin-izmus
6. a-Stephen-Hawking-izmus
7. a-Isten-izmus
8. a-Karakutty-izmus
9. a-ZarahurMara-izmus
10. a-Létezés-izmus

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.13. 12:27:29

An apatheist is someone who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods do exist or do not exist.

Az apateista az, akit nem érdekel az istenek létezésére vagy nem létezésére vonatkozó állítások elfogadása vagy elutasítása.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.17. 09:55:38

Az ateizmus pedig sajátos ellenvallás, tagadás-vallás, rejtett istenhit.

And atheism is a peculiar counter-religion, denial-religion, hidden-belief in God.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.19. 11:28:53

Ezt ma írat valakinek:

Iván Gábor János P Sz.: ateizmus: Egy emberi pszichikai állapot. Tagadás-vallás. Árnyékbox mások képzeletbeli barátaival. Egy ellen ideológia, ami maga is dogmatikus és logikátlan. Egyben egy hasznos ellenségkép is a monoteistáknak. // Rövidebben: egy memetikusan terjedő és fertőző kényszerképzet.

Imre S. Iván Gábor No, kibújt a szög a zsákból. Ennyi marhaságot, egy rakáson... ehhez sok munka kellett. Részemről roló lehúzva.

Iván Gábor Imre S. Tudós vagyok és a tudósok kísérleteznek és tesztelnek. Az ateizmus a valóságban nem az, ami "írva vagyon". Mert az ateizmus hibás definícióit judeokeresztény teológusok adták meg és írták le először. Te és sokan ezt ész nélkül terjesztitek és másoljátok. Memetikusan. Jómagam meg adatgyűjtések, megfigyelések , humán-etológia ( Csányi Vilmos) alapján írtam, amit írtam. Azt is leírtam, hogy semmi értelme egy ateista emberrel ebben a témában vitázni, mert agyi defektjei miatt képtelen a racionális vitára. Amiért még is ritkán teszem, mint most veled is, az tudományos kísérlet jelleg. Zsolt Boldogkői (Szabad elme illúziója könyv) is az egyik fontos megfigyelt alanyom volt. Miatta kellett némileg tovább pontosítanom néhány dolgot. Tehát rá és terád sem mondhatom azt, hogy "hülyék" vagytok". Az viszont tényszerűnek látszik a kísérleteim alapján, hogy mém-fertőzöttek vagytok. Nos ő erősen felháborodott ezen diagnózisomon .... dühkitörései is voltak miatta, de az ateista térítést és apologetikai munkásságát feladta. A memetikában meg sok az áltudományos jelleg. Megértem a berzenkedést ellene. A tudományos részt leválasztottam és elneveztem pszichovirulógiának.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.06.22. 19:36:46

Tudományos kutatás miatt érdekelne, hogy szerintetek, egyes ateisták miért tartanak és ellenkeznek a Tudományos (kognitív) Isten meghatározástól? Hiszen az azt bizonyítja, hogy "Isten" és az istenek emberek által kitalált, és egyfajta pszichoviruskét (mémként) terjedt el. Másrészt az Isten-mém, vagy Isten-pszichovirus immunizálására is van kidolgozott módszertana.

Due to scientific research, I would like to know why, in your opinion, some atheists fear and oppose the Scientific (cognitive) definition of God? After all, it proves that "God" and the gods were invented by people and spread as a kind of psychovirus (as a meme). On the other hand, there is also a developed methodology for immunizing the God-meme or God-psychovirus.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.07.09. 15:59:56

Kicsit hosszabb a bizonyítás, mint egy kommentben a facebook megenged. Van róla egy megjelent e-könyvem is, de magyarul. Angolul a netes naplómban olvashatod egy rövid összefoglalóját. Ez a link. A pont jelek elé és után, tettem szóköz-jeleket és záró-jeleket. Kiveszed és működök.
vilagnezet (.) blog (.) hu/2024/05/16/scientific_cognitive_god_which_is_proven_and_testable

The proof is a bit longer than Facebook allows in a comment. I also have an e-book published about it, but in Hungarian. You can read a short summary of it in English in my online diary. This is the link. Before and after the periods, I put spaces and parentheses. You take it out and I work.
vilagnezet (.) blog (.) hu/2024/05/16/scientific_cognitive_god_which_is_proven_and_testable

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.07.13. 18:38:53

You can read a short summary of it in English in my online diary. Just take the 4 stars:

Angolul a netes naplómban olvashatod egy rövid összefoglalóját. Csak vedd ki a 4 csillagot:

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.08.29. 08:00:26

Nagyon nem mindegy, hogy logikákról, vagy csak logikáról értekezünk.

Számít. Nagyon is.
1. A sok-sok "Isten" az, ami gond az ateizmusban is.
2. A sok sok "Univerzum" ami gond a kozmológiában, meg a Big-Bang elméletben.
3. A sok sok eltérő törvény, ami gond hogy a jog tudomány lehessen.
4. A sok-sok matematika gond, amiért Gödel törvényei igazak lehetnének. Hamisak.

It counts. Very much so.

1. The many, many "Gods" are also a problem in atheism.

2. The many, many "Universes" that are a problem in cosmology and the Big-Bang theory.

3. The many different laws, which is a problem for law to be a science.

4. The many, many mathematical problems that would make Gödel's laws true. They are fake.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.09.20. 12:10:49

Az ateizmus, se nem filozófia, se nem tudományos világnézet és még csak nem is önálló ideológia.

Csak egy emberi pszichikai állapot.

Nem is túl egészséges.

Egyfajta tagadás-vallás.

Képletesen: Hófehérke nem létezik!

Mi értelme van egyértelmű meselényekkel ilyen intenzíven foglalkozni és tagadni?

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.09.21. 21:35:53

Sőt a második al meghatározás is, némileg összecseng Dawkins meghatározásával. Ő téveszmének írja. Ami a kísérleteim szerint túl enyhe és megengedő. Meg a tévedést, az ki lehet könnyen javítani. Jómagam egy sokkal kórosabb mentális betegségnek detektáltam. Ami kényszer és nem is nagyon javítható ki, olyan könnyen.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.10.27. 19:49:28

Peter Murphy wrote: "The dogmatic atheist like the dogmatic theist is obsessed with conformity and will spew a tirade of angry words against anyone who does not conform to their own particular world view".

Peter Murphy ezt írta: "A dogmatikus ateista, akárcsak a dogmatikus teista, megszállottja a konformitásnak, és dühös szavakat fog okádni mindenki ellen, aki nem felel meg saját világnézetének".

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2024.12.25. 10:45:25

-Segítek én benne, mert ezt a gondolatot is én ültettem el itt.
1. Az ateizmus képzeletbeli ellenséggel rendelkezik. :-)
2. Az ateizmus valóság tagadása, hiszen sok Isten van.
4. Az ateizmus kényszeres hazudozás.
5. Az ateizmus egy mémfertőzött betegség. (gyógyítható ! )
6. Az ateizmus is hit-térítő jellegű.
7 ... stb

I will help you, because I also planted this idea here.
1. Atheism has an imaginary enemy. :-)
2. Atheism is the denial of reality, since there are many Gods.
4. Atheism is compulsive lying.
5. Atheism is a meme-infected disease. (curable!)
6. Atheism is also proselytizing.
7 ... etc

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2025.01.27. 08:35:51

A biológiai vakcina elméletet átvittem kísérletezés és tesztelésként pszichológiai térfélre. Ott is egyértelműen működik az elv. Kiegészítve a memetika járványszerű terjedési elvével a gyógyulás is járványszerűvé fejleszthető. Tehát nem szükséges az egyéni, akár többszöri "oltás" sem.

Világnézet Netes Napló · vilagnezet.blog.hu 2025.03.19. 08:55:49

A tudományban bizonyítani kell, mégpedig azért, hogy a bizonyítás tesztelhető legyen. Nem szokás mások meséit helyesnek fogadni. Így az ateisták elvileg az "Isten" rossz meghatározásából indulnak ki.

Az ateizmus főtt típusai, és néhány érdekes összefüggés. Humán-etológiai kutatás és megfigyelés eredménye. Mert a régebbi rendszerek mára elavultak. Ami csak tudományos-filozófiai adat.

1. Monoateista. - Egy darab az Isten megtagadása vagy a hitetlenség irányába.

2. Poliateista. -Sok/több istent tagadni, vagy nem hinni bennük.

3. Vallásközi ateista. - Kölcsönösen tagadják és nem hisznek egymás isteneiben.

4. Saját Istenes ateista. - Láthatatlan rózsaszín unikornis isten, nagy húsgombóc tésztaisten stb.

5. Államilag bejegyzett ateizmus egyházi formában

6. Harcos ateizmus. - Meg akarja szüntetni a teizmust.

7. Antiteista. - Ellenállás a hivatalos egyházak és vallások társadalmi befolyásával szemben.

8. Apateista. - az, akit nem érdekel az istenek létezésére vagy nem létezésére vonatkozó állítások elfogadása vagy elutasítása.

9. Igteizmus = Ignoszticizmus. - Az a gondolat és filozófiai irányzat, hogy Isten létezésének kérdése értelmetlen, mert az "Isten" szónak nincs egyértelmű meghatározása

10. Antiateizmus. - Nem hisznek a teizmusban és az ateizmusokban.

11. stb + a-Mikulás-izmus, a-unikornisizmus, a-Micimackó-izmus, a-Hófehér-izmus, a-Jon-Snow-izmus -Trónok harca-, a-Vilmos-Tell-izmus, a-Vlagyimir-Iljics-Lenin-izmus, aH-Godte-izmus a-Karakutty-izmus, a-ZarahurMara-izmus, a-Létezés-izmus, a-Babig-izmus

12. Nonizmus. - Nem hajlandó világnézetét bármilyen ideológiához kötni. Egyes vélemények szerint a semleges álláspont is az ateizmus. Ami egyértelmű logikai hiba.
süti beállítások módosítása